Thursday, April 18, 2013

Emancipation Fact-Finding Mission

Emancipation Fact-Finding Mission Live Binder

Go to this link.  For each resource, answer the following questions:

* What type of document is this?  Who created it?
*What is this document about?  Give a SHORT synopsis.
*What is the main idea or message of this document?
* How does it relate to the question: "How did slaves gain their freedom?"


  1. Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co. Created it. The type of document is a picture.
    This document is about Lincoln writing the Emancipation Proclamation.
    To show how hard Lincoln worked to write the Emancipation Proclomation and how much he really cares about how bad slaverly is and wants it gone.
    This question relates to "How did slaves gain their freedom?" by it showing how hard he was working to write it and to help end the slavery.

  2. the type of document this is, is a picture. Ehrgott, Forbriger created it. the document is about lincoln's proclomation of freedom. how hard ang long Lincoln worked to get the slaves free. it shows how much Lincoln believed they should be free then he worked for slaves to be free.

    Brittany Barnett

  3. published in pittsburg PA 1863
    - Jose rodriguez

  4. Hey guys. Every source has its own posting spot, so this page won't get so full! Use the links in blue to the right! If you post anonymously, please include your name in the post!

  5. Published in Pittsburg PA 1863

  6. -a picture document
    -Abraham Licoln
    -For slaves to have equal rights
    -The slaves got their freedom from Licoln writing the Emancipation Proclamation, the 13th amendment, and after Civil War!
    -Mikayla Hittle

  7. Tiffany Wallace :)April 18, 2013 at 6:22 AM

    Type of document: It's a picture
    Who created it: Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co
    The document is about Abraham Lincoln.
    The main idea or message of this document is showing that all people (even slaves) are equal.
    It relates to the question by announicing that the slaves weren't treated equally and they should be. He abolished slavery from writing this and the end of the Civil War.

  8. ~Picture
    ~Abraham Lincoln
    ~Main idea was for equal right for slaves
    ~The freedom of the slaves came from the 13th amendment, lincoln Writing the Emancipation, and the end of the Civil War...
    ~Lauren Bousman

  9. Type of document: It's a picture of Abraham Lincoln
    Who created it: Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co
    This document is about Abraham Lincoln Abolishing slaver and making them a everyday of life
    The message of this picture is that salves are humans just like us and that they sould be in our everday life
    This relates to our question by telling the people that slave are equal and that we should be treating them like humans not like trash.

  10. The picture is lincoln that was made by Ehrgott, Forbriger. The print is based on David Gilmour Blythe's fanciful painting of Lincoln writing the Emancipation Proclamation. DEVIN CROWE

  11. - A picture document
    - President Lincoln
    - Freedom
    - For all men to be created equal
    - Slaves Got their freedom for the Emancipation proclamation, after the war, and the 13th amendment.
    -Shatana Fox

  12. the type of the document is abraham lincoln writting the emancipation proclamation and the and created by: Ehrgtt and forbriger.

  13. This Document is a picture.Forbringer Ehrgott created this illustration. This documentation was created to describe the Proclamation of Freedom. Lincoln worked very long and hard to show that all men are equal.
    Hunter Beckham

    1. The slaves gained their freedon because Abraham Lincoln freed them. He won the Civil War and passed the proclamion.
      Hunter Beckham

  14. this document is a picture. Ehrgott created it this. This document is about Lincoln writing the Emancipation Proclamation. The main idea of this is to show how bad slaves wanted slavery to be abolished. It relates to the question "how did slaves gain their freedom" because lincoln used the emancipation proclamation to abolish slavery.


  15. - A picture document
    .President Lincoln
    .Freedom for everyone
    .For all men to be treated equally
    .Slaves get their freedom by putting the emancipation proclamation into use after the war and the 13th amendment

  16. 1. This document is a picture, Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co.
    2. It is a picture of lincoln.
    3. The piture is about freedom
    4. They got their freedom from the emancipation proclamation.
    Hunter Riddle

  17. 1.this document is a picture the creator is ehrgott, forbriger & co.
    2.this document is showing abraham licoln sitting with alot of papers
    3.freedom for the slaves
    4.abraham created the emacipation proclamation to free slaves
    Andrew Jones

  18. This document is a picture.Ehrgott created it. This document is about Lincoln writing the Emancipation Proclamation. The main idea of this is to show how bad slaves wanted slavery to be abolished. It relates to the question "how did slaves gain their freedom", because lincoln used the emancipation proclamation to abolish slavery.

  19. 1.the document of this picture is abraham lincoln writting the emanipation procalamation Who created it: Ehrgott, Forbriger.
    2. was about freedom
    3. main idea is equal rights for the slaves
    4. slaves got their freedom from the emancipation procalamation and after the war and the 13th amendment

  20. The document is a photo. Therefore; it is a picture document. Ehrgott and Forbriger published the document. This documentation is about President Abraham Lincoln establishing the Emacapation Proclamation. The main idea of this photograph is to show the time and dedication Lincoln put into the Emancipation Proclamation. It coorelates with the question "How did slaves gain their freedom?" very well. It gave the slaves equality and freedom.

  21. What type of document is this? iits a picture
    Who created it? unkown 1861
    What is this document about? slaves trying to run away
    What is the main idea or message of this document?

    How does it relate to the question: "How did slaves gain their freedom?" it relates to the question by saying that everybody should tell their owners that they are not slaves anymore
