Monday, January 14, 2013

Amendment 13 Resources

Here are a few sites to get you started!
This link leads to a "This Day in History" page on the History Channel site:

This site contains some basic information and background on the 13th Amendment and what it meant when it was passed:

This site contains a wealth of information.  Make sure you use the navigation buttons at the top of the page and fully explore!

The History Channel's 13th Amendment page; use the links at the bottom to navigate to related themes.  There should also be some related videos to view if you want.

This links to an online textbook from  This links to the first page of the section concerning slavery, but you will need to continue navigating the site in order to access as much as you can.

A group that wants the 13th Amendment to recognize human trafficking as a modern-day form of slavery.  Use this for the current events section of the assignment.

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